Donate for Veterans in Atlanta, GA

Donate to Veterans Today at Veterans Molding Minds

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donate and support our cause

Are you a veteran or a returning citizen looking to join the workforce? You've come to the right place. Since 2017, Veterans Molding Minds has trained more than 1000 low-income, at-risk, and returning citizens in Atlanta.

At Veterans Molding Minds, we understand the importance of education, training programs, and veteran support for those who are at-risk, low-income, and returning citizens. This is the reason we encourage you to donate and support our cause.

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Donate to Veterans Molding Minds

Veterans Molding Minds has successfully secured employment for around 90% of our vocational training students. In addition, we are proud to be responsible for serving 150 veterans with the following: mentorship, job placement, ID cards, or other various needs.

We are highly dedicated to changing lives and are willing to go above and beyond what is expected from us. We always encourage people to donate and help us bring about good in our society. If you're someone who would like to contribute to our goal, donate now!

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Who Are We?

Our aim at Veterans Molding Minds is to build an active transition center to enforce monitoring programs and training for workforce development. This is a goal that we're very proud to own, and we are excited to make it happen.

We have also partnered with the Workforce Innovation Hub, Small Business Incubator, and some other big names to contribute towards reaching our cause.

Learn More About Us!

The mission of Veterans Molding Minds is to serve the community as life coaches and mentors and to empower education. If you like what we do, we encourage you to donate today!